One Words Denoting Groups H-Z

Concept Explanation

One Words Denoting Groups H-Z

One Word Substitution : - One Word Substitutions means that a single word can be used in place of a group of words to denote a person, an object, a place, a state of mind a profession etc. In common parlance they are termed as single words used to make an expression brief and pertinent. As such the use of one word substitutions tend to obviate the repetition of unnecessary words avoiding verbosity and ambiguity. Rambling style speaks of a rambling state of mind whereas brevity conveys telling effect.

Moreover, one word substitutions are indispensable while writing a precis of a given passage. A student is required not to exceed the limit of words. They come in handy in such situations. Hence their significance cannot be gainsaid and students are advised to learn them very seriously.A few of one word substitutes are given below for the benefit of the students.

One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With H:

  • Hamlet : - a group of houses in a village
  • Haul : - a number of fish (in a net) caught at one time
  • Heap : - a number of ruins, stones
  • Herd : - a large group of animals that live together
  • Hive : - (swarm) of bees
  • Host : - a large number of people, reasons, considerations
  • Horde : - of people, robbers

    One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With J - R:

  • Jumble : - an untidy collection of things
  • Litter : - of young pigs, dogs at birth
  • Lock : - a section of hair
  • Order : - a society of knights, monks living under the same rule
  • Panel : - a small group of Inspectors, examiners for investigation
  • Poultry : - of fowls, ducks etc
  • Posse : - a group of policemen
  • Rosary : - a string of beads

    One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With S:

  • School : - a group of thinkers or learned men sharing similar ideas
  • Sea : - of troubles, difficulties, cares
  • Series : - a number of similar events, matches, lectures
  • Shoal : - a large number of fish swimming together
  • Sheaf : - of corn, wheat
  • String : - a sequence of similar items
  • Stream : - a continuous flow of people/visitors
  • Suite : - a set of followers, rooms, furniture
  • Suit : - a set of clothes made of same fabric
  • Syllabus : - the topics of studies
  • Swarm : - of flies or locusts, bees, ants

    One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With T:

  • Truss : - a frame-work of rafters, posts and bars
  • Team : - a group of players, horses, oxen
  • Throng : - a large crowd of people
  • Tissue : - of lies or crimes
  • Troupe : - a group of artists, dancers or acrobats
  • Torrent : - of abusive invecties, of rain
  • Tuft : - of grass, hair

    One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With U - Z:

  • Union : - a political unit containing a number of states
  • Volley : - a number of arrows, stones, abuses
  • World : - of cares, troubles
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence . 

    A group of policemen

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Out of the four alternative, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentences.

    To free anything from germs.

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Out of the four alternatives , choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence :  

    A political unit containing a number of states

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation

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